Why subscribe?

If you are an independent author, artist or digital content creator, I think this might interest you… and also if you are an educator or there are some young ones around you who look at the future with curiosity and are open to embrace the new opportunities of the upcoming Internet.

In this newsletter we are going to share reflections and practical advises to understand the new Internet of Value, and be able to enter the web3 wisely.

Moreover we will bring you our MIRLOS news

Signed by Mirlo Studio

Mirlo.Studio is a private music studio and the place of work for a group of people interested en defending the independent artists’ fundamental rights on the web: Intellectual Property, Freedom of Speech and Privacy. At the studio we are also convinced that it is fundamental to spread critical thinking and the most human values for young people to be able to develop their own critical thinking and their individual personalities.

At Mirlo Studio we founded the Smartists & MIRLOS Community.

This newsletter was started in 2020 by Georgina Mauriño, but since 2024 a spoke-person in our studio will take over, and we are also open to publish articles our readers may want to propose.

A newsletter direct to your email

We understand that social media are a tool for promotion and propaganda in general, whose mission is far from inviting to reflect, neither take the time to think critically. This newsletter instead, will come to you directly for a more paused and personal reading.

All that we share here is English, can also be read in Spanish in this link.

Thank you for reading these lines,

Mirlo Studio

P.S. To better know the tech-service used for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Artists on the web3

A publication for independent self-managed artists and educators who want to embrace new opportunities on the Internet of Value while defending their fundamental rights on the web.


Editor de contenidos al servicio de artistas y educadores. Content editor to serve artists and educators. "Cultiva tu jardín interior" / "Cultivate your inner garden"