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A few weeks ago we introduced a collection of Bitcoin NFTs, FOUR SEASONS, created by visual artist Grace Hye and musician Manuel Gimferrer. We brought this project here as an example of the new experiences -creators and collectors- could discover on the web3 while using NFTs as a new way to engage in a closer and more rewarding relationship.
One of the benefits this project intended to provide to their collectors was access to the piano scores of the NFT’s original music. We need to clarify that Piano scores are what actually contains and proves the intellectual property for a composer, so it was important to find the right way to pass them to the exact beneficiaries.
First they thought of making prints after inscribing the score as and ordinal. Yet, this technology is still very new and Manuel did not have access to it. So he looked for some other alternative. Then he found a solution that he is now willing to share here: keeping himself the original score in a “token-gated Pdf”, a document including the sheet music and a use license, and providing access only to those specific collectors of the FOUR SEASONS- The Fall NFTs.
Let’s explain this more slowly…
Token-gating means keeping in your own storage and providing access only to those owning a token.
In our example, Manuel can keep his piano score of “The Fall” in a folder (in his website or other) and make it accessible for download only to the 12 collectors having purchased an NFT from the collection FOUR SEASONS - The Fall .
… a pdf with licensed sheet music
It could be any other content, but for composers and other authors Pdfs are a recurring file-format to present their works, especially since this is the easiest way for readers to have access.
In our example, Manuel Gimferrer (the copyrights owner) has his scores in Pdf by default, since he works with Sibelius notation software. It was then easy to include two more pages with a license. In this case Manuel decided to go for a generous Commercial License just for Performance - of course attribution due -. Collectors can use the license to play themselves or another pianist they represent, while they showcase their NFT for example… So, collectors have an added value for their NFT and artists can get more visibility and recognition. In the present example the license is non-exclusive though, since Manuel wanted to be able to sell more of these scores in the future.
Benefits ?
Token-gating is a new way for authors to reward those who actually care for their work and support them. It also helps protect the quality and integrity of the art pieces, since just the collectors’ wallets can get access to the gated content, and it is in the interest of all parts involved to keep the value of the art piece.
In our example, professional musicians know that preserving the original composer’s creation has been a must in the past. Moreover, these days it is becoming especially relevant the need to protect original human creators’ works, as we move forward to a collaborative future with generative products made as derivatives of genuine human ones.
Therefore, Token-gating scores or other original creations can be an excellent solution at this moment, and we are grateful to Manuel and Grace for pioneering this new solution on the Bitcoin web3.
How to token-gate?
Now, this has been easy-peasy thanks to some recent features developed at BlockSurvey. So far, we loved BlockSurvey for their unique private forms and surveys, but now we are deeply grateful for this new service.
To token-gate, you need to have a Team account on BlockSurvey and an NFT . With the Smart Contract address you can create a form that only verified wallets (with the token you want to use) can submit. This is quite simple, and we are ready to share some more information to those interested.
Here is the example for the token-gated piano score of FOUR SEASONS-The Fall. Of course, only collectors of the NFTs can submit and have access to the Pdf for download, which opens automatically. Anyway, here is our testimonial for you to have a look…

This score will be provided to the FOUR SEASONS-The Fall collectors by Thanksgiving day, and the artists are planing more token-gated surprises preparing for their new pieces to come… Know more about this on Grace Hye’s Discord and also at Manuelgimferrer.com.
In these uncertain times, artists may feel vulnerable. In this newsletter we try to explain how new ways, since we are certain that more human creative experiences are also coming up. We will bring them here as we explore the Bitcoin web3…
P. S. For the most curious. Look and listen to the 12 NFTs with their music here. You can also look and listen to The Fall - complete (2’25) - in this link [FOUR SEASONS Foundation original digital piece].