A Private Studio and a Gallery on the web 3
In the real world, to open a private studio, you need a private key, a personal storage and you certainly set some essential rules of confidentiality for your professional relationships. What if this could also apply to the digital world? A personal key and storage as well as a confidentiality agreement is what Smartists will provide self-managed artists on the web, to get started.
But, there is more. In your real world studio, you can sometimes sell certain pieces to your clients (and you also have a wallet to keep what you are paid for your artworks sales). So, what if you could do this in the digital world too? What if you could have a Private Gallery of your own to sell original digital files in your terms? This is where our present work at Smartists comes in picture.
Art-NFTs with copyright licenses
As you may recall from a previous newsletter, we are working in copyright licenses for Art-NFTs (with the support of the Stacks Foundation). Finding the best way for authors and copyrights holders to license their artworks in the web 3 is the great challenge our Tech team is working on, hand in hand with the Legal team.
YOU can help us as a member of our community providing feedback about the terms we are including for testing. We need feedback about the General Terms that should apply to all the licenses provided via Smartists. Here is your opportunity to participate. Write me back to this email if you want to set a meeting and know more.
We feel this is a great time to get back fundamental rights to the web, and at Smartists we are determined to make the digital tool many authors are looking for in order to manage their Intellectual Property by themselves on the next web 3.
This email is sent only to the subscribers of Smartists, but we want you to feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who might be genuinely interested.
Thank you for your support!
Georgina Mauriño
Founder of Smartists, built on Stacks, for a user owned Internet.
P.S. If you speak Spanish, have a look at this event about Blockchain and NFTs. You will find me, as Smartists founder and Stacks advocate, in two panels: the one about Identity and the one about Legal frameworks and copyrights. You are welcome to join the event.