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MIRLOS is looking to build a platform with Educational contents for users on the Internet of Value. This means we want to address the needs of a new generation of human beings who deserve to get good information about their human condition, and develop their skills and potential for a world immersed in sustained and exponential change. More than ever, adults are learning on the go and cannot pretend just to pass on their own present skills to their young ones.

This newsletter is signed by Mirlo Studio. We are artists and creators who focus on the humanities, using tech tools constantly. Therefore, we have to face challenging new questions and decisions everyday. Being persons from different ages, we started a general discussion on education which lead us to write some principles and values we all agreed for our platform: they aim to the education we would like to see in the future.
Our discussion started with some essential questions I bring here… I also bring some quotes as testimonials of our thoughts in Mirlo Studio.
Is the learning experience a personal journey or a planned taming… or anything in between? Teaching lessons, training skills, coaching, mentoring, guiding, inspiring…?
"I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.” Socrates
What is the value of our human legacy? What is the use of the Arts and Humanities in a future digital world?
"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.” Socrates
“The arts and humanities teach us who we are and what we can be.” Ronald Reagan
Do our fundamental rights need to be recalled and re-defined in the digital world to remain free citizens?
“Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.” Frederick Douglass
“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” John F. Kennedy
“Broadly speaking, citizenship refers to the set of rights and duties to which the citizen or individual is subjected in his relation to the society in which he lives.” Perplexity.ai (8 sources)
Is it worth pursuing and defending our rights and freedom in such a controled world? If yes, how to do it?
“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity." - Nelson Mandela
“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” - John F. Kennedy
Is Freedom so important in your learning journey?
“Is freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish? Nothing else.” Epictetus
"Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be." Daniel J. Boorstin
What about Prosperity and the right to thrive? Is it important to learn about it in as we progress towards the Internet of Value?
“Financial literacy is not an end in itself, but a step-by-step process. It begins in childhood and continues throughout a person's life all the way to retirement” Robert Kiyosaki
Finally, is there a way to balance the real and the digital world for the benefit of of human beings?
After a first discussion we wrote our PRINCIPLES & VALUES FOR DECENTRALIZED LEARNING*, and we decided to share them with the MIRLOS Community in a form that could provide the opportunity for everyone to bring their own opinions. And here it is…
What do you think? Would you like sharing your own views about future education, your own references? Here is a link for you to help us in our research about Decentralized Learning.
Needless to say this is something that affects especially parents with kids today, but this reflection is necessary for everyone who feels the need to contribute to a better future, and we would very much appreciate if you share this post so we get many responses.
This is a discussion that needs to get started if we want to preserve our freedom for a better progress where every human has the chance to thrive.
This is MIRLOS’ newsletter, by Mirlo Studio.
P.S. We (Mirlo Studio) decided “Decentralised Learning” was a more open concept than “Decentralised Education” which has already been used in a traditional and more political sense. Like for Bitcoin, which is an asset more powerful than just money, “learning” has a value that goes far beyond “education” in its most usual sense. Nevertheless, this is an open matter at this very first stage.