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We are in a year of great changes all over the world in so many ways. No doubt all this will touch everyone of us, and independent artists will be affected. Our studio is in Europe, where tradition does not match well with uncertainty, and this situation can generate fear from innovation which is turning into defensive regulation. Instead, from Mirlo Studio I bring a quiet and positive message: let’s explore new ways, which does not mean we need to follow the imposition of any tech that comes up. It is time for standing still, catching a deep breath and getting ready for the future that challenging future.
The creation of a personal and unique message is what matters to the independent artists at Mirlo Studio, and each one is considering the use of different technologies as actual tools.
At the studio we are preparing for the tokenization that I explained a few weeks ago, since we are positive that this is something that is coming sooner or later. This is why we realized it was time for us to organize the assets in our studio.
Getting our studio ready means…
reorganizing original materials, real and digital, - images, audios, texts -
exploring new tools for digital editing and producing in order to create assets with actual value today.
designing a new web to connect P2P and tokenize our works, and for that the first essential step is setting up our wallets properly.
On another side, at the studio, a fundamental questions comes up: ¿how to use the existing media today in the personal and genuine manner we want? It has been a while since the founders of Mirlo Studio got rid of Social Media for being impersonal, surveillant and because they were stealing too much time distracting them from the actual relationship they wanted to build with those interested in their work. Georgina Mauriño opened our eyes and Mirlo Studio became a place for growth. Beyond keeping our website updated , we have just been communicating with our followers via newsletter:
We are now considering new possibilities as we explore, with the SmartistsLAB working group, the Stacks ecosystem.
Exploring Nuevos Media
some members of the studio are considering Sigle for new writings contents, but we will keep our studio news on Substack , which we like and that makes it very easy for us at this moment.
we are testing a new podcast at Fountain.fm with some episodes From Mirlo Studio - desde Mirlo Studio, since we are exploring the V4V-Value For Value new business model.
we are also considering having a contact form as a private mailbox including a calendar with a service to make appointments. This could be easily implemented thanks to BlockSurvey.
Finally, at Mirlo Studio we find it important to balance our digital journey with our lives in the real world. Therefore, while we prepare to step into the new Internet learning all we can about tokenization, we are also planning our next private concerts…
Sent from Mirlo Studio